New Jersey, USA-"Analysis of the Global Food and Beverage Additives Consumer Market by 2028" is a specific and in-depth study of the food and beverage additive consumer industry, with special attention to global market trend analysis. The report aims to outline the food and beverage additive cons
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Rockville, Maryland, November 9, 2021/PRNewswire/-The U.S. food and beverage industry is severely affected by COVID-19. Especially in 2020, more and more people hope to improve their health in order to prevent or reduce the severity
Science shows that the key to good health lies in the depths of your intestines. Learn how epizoans are good for your digestion—and how to score them.
You have heard of probiotics and prebiotics. Now, researchers are studying epigenetics: studies have found that beneficial biologically ac
Dobson-Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation employee and senior equipment technician Jeff Nixon recently coordinated donations to provide a line worker in Uganda with climbing equipment.
Nixon explained that he needed to find him through church members and missionary Brian Tyndall.
New research shows that reducing ammonia emissions in agriculture will greatly benefit global health and can be done at low cost
Authors: Zhang Xiuming, Dr. Gu Baojing and Professor Chen Deli, University of Melbourne
Air pollution is the fourth leading risk factor for premature deat
R&D Manager, Schothorst Feed Research, the Netherlands
The optimal feed particle size in a pig diet is always a compromise between different goals:
Coarse grinding is faster, but fine grinding can increase particle capacity through compaction.
When the average diameter incre
Meat production is not the only human activity that destroys the environment, but it is one of the most influential activities.
According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from livestock account for 14.5% of all
Most importantly, meat prices have not increased proportionally and may remain low, especially considering the reduction in consumer demand due to Covid-19 restrictions in many regions. This means that animal producers are facing the problem of increasing costs and equalizing or decreasing income